Ragoût de boulettes de Dame Monique



Chef Éric Garand is quoted as saying: “I remember when my mother served this stew with piping hot bread baked in the wood stove. Now, on rainy fall days, I make it for my two children."

Recipe from the book “À la bonne franquette” published by Les Éditions Transcontinentals. Bestseller released October 10, 2012 throughout Quebec.

{4 servings – Preparation time: 35 min
Cooking time: 45 min – Rest period: 10 min}




  • 1½ lb. fresh ground pork from Ferme Lennon Compton
  • 4 slices smoked bacon
  • 2 slices bread, cut in cubes
  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil
  • 3 cups beef bouillon
  • 1 tablespoon freshly ground salt and pepper, or salt and pepper to taste




1- Put the pork and bacon through a meat grinder three times. Set aside.


2- In one bowl, soak the bread in the milk.


3- In another bowl, combine the meat, onion, cinnamon, cloves, and soaked bread. Add salt and pepper. Form small meatballs.


4- In a large pan, brown the meatballs in the oil.


5- Add the beef bouillon, cover, and simmer over low for 30 minutes. Remove the cover and reduce the sauce to the desired consistency.


6- Serve with small fingerling potatoes, parsnips, and small pickled onions.



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