Rosé Sunday at the Halte des Pèlerins

vins_roses_logo.jpg June 10: Rosé Sunday at the Halte des Pèlerins

An exciting closing Sunday event will offer tastings, and also music and dancing from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the fabulous Halte des Pèlerins estate in Sherbrooke.

Upon arrival, you’ll be served a glass of rosé wine to the sounds of music by guitarist Paulyn Lacroix. On the menu, tastings of other house products interspersed with appetizers, such as sausages barbecued over bundles of vines. Actors dressed in costumes inspired by the Halte des Pèlerins will chat with you. The celebration will continue with a tour of the vineyard’s facilities, a NIA workshop (Non-Impact Aerobics: a blend of nine movement forms, including dance and martial arts) followed by NIA dancing that will be as festive as you could wish it.


Each participant will receive:

•    A glass of rosé
•    Musicians
•    Tasting of different products of the vineyard
•    Appetizers (sausages on bundles of vine)
•    Conversation with the characters of The Secret of the Giant
•    Visit of the vineyard's facilities
•    A NIA workshop (Non-Impact Aerobics: a blend of nine movement forms, including dance and martial arts) followed by NIA dancing
•    Drawings for door prizes


A celebration you won’t soon forget!




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