5 public markets that stand out

Updated on Jul 23, 2024

All you’ll need to do is visit the 30 public markets of the region to discover the freshness and quality of our local products. Here are 5 of these markets that will have you want to fill your bags!

The Marché Champêtre De Melbourne, Country Market

The Marché Champêtre de Melbourne stands out through its amazing variety of organic products, of which, vegetable and meat of L'Agneau Maraîcher or the Écologique Coop d'Ulverton farm. Besides the many fresh food products, you also discover the amazing creations of the region’s artisans. After completing your provisions at the sales counter, you can also enjoy the delicious dishes concocted by the area producers.

  • The market is open Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m, may to october.
  • Nearby you’ll find: the Richmond County Historical Society Museum and Bleuetière Harmonie Nature’s blueberry production.

©Daphné Caron

Mante du Carré Marché public, in Danville)

The warm and friendly atmosphere of the Mante du Carré’s public market in Danville, makes it a very unique place! It has become a true meeting place for area residents as much as for visitors and offers excellent prepared meals, all made with the region’s terroir ingredients. You can also take advantage of your visit to savour their delicious cappuccino.

  • The market is open all year-round on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Nearby, you’ll find: the Des Sources region network of cycling paths and the Mante du Carré Marché public de Danville

©Daphné Caron

Compton’s Evening Market

On Thursday evenings, with the weekend close by, there’s no better time than this to head to the Compton evening market to relax and fill your baskets with their fine products! You’ll be welcomed by the sound of music and you’ll be able to treat yourself to a snack while the younger ones have a good time in the play area. A great evening awaits!

  • The market is open on Thursday evenings from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. until SEptemebr 14, 2023.
  • Nearby, you’ll find: the Domaine Ives Hill and La Station cheese factory.

©Mathieu Dupuis

Locavore Market in Racine

In addition to finding eco-responsible and tasty fruits and vegetables, the warm atmosphere that reigns there gives life to the Racine Locavore market! Here, we take our time. We walk between the colorful displays, we chat with the producers and above all... we taste the best the terroir has to offer us.

  • The market is open Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Nearby, you’ll find: The Nouvelle France Cheese factory and l'Asinerie les ânes en culotte.

The Frelighsburg Farmers, Market

The Frelighsburg Farmers’ market stands out with its dynamic ambiance. You can fill your baskets with supplies while following the beat of their musical selections. You’ll experience a truly great moment in one of Quebec’s most beautiful villages.

  • The market is open Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m. until October 12, 2024.
  • Nearby, you’ll find: Au Coeur de la Pomme Orchard, vineyards from La Route des vins and Alpagas Sutton.

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