Sherbrooke - Parc du Mont-Bellevue

Sherbrooke - Urban walks

The Parc du Mont-Bellevue is a natural massif formed by Mount Bellevue and Mount John-S.-Bourque and covers 200 hectares – it is the largest park in Sherbrooke. The city uses 45 hectares of the park to provide facilities for downhill skiing, tennis, and archery. It also develops and maintains hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, mountain biking and fatbike trails. The Parc du Mont-Bellevue is home to many ecosystems and a remarkable biodiversity rooted in the very heart of the city!


Station de ski du Mont-Bellevue ou Rue Dunant - angle rue Thibault

1440, rue Brébeuf, Sherbrooke

Technical specifications

Length : 6 km

Time : 2h


Altitude : 381 m

Drop : 130 m

Difficulty : Intermediate

  • Spring, summer, fall
  • Winter Walk

  • Snowshoeing
  • Accessible in sport stroller
  • Accessible by wheelchair
  • In the mountain (with top)
  • In the forest, little rough
  • Urban
  • Interpretation of nature
  • Dogs permitted
Number of camping platforms on this trail
  • 0
Number of campsites on this trail
  • 0
Number of shelters on this trail
  • 0

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Taste the Townships
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Nature, sports and outdoor activities
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