Comfort Food to Offer Yourself in Our Restaurants

Updated on Apr 10, 2024

What better way to end a cold day than by treating yourself to a nice, warm and comforting meal. . . Discover our comfort food suggestions right here.

By Marie-Claude Masse


Chinese Fondue

A classic among classic winter dishes, Chinese fondue combines a multitude of flavours, with comfort and friendly gatherings. And of course, we love this very much! At Fondissimo, you can choose several delicious meat, fish or seafood options! Are you finding it hard to decide between Chinese fondue and fondue Bourguignonne? Well, you’ll find both at Les 3 péchés! Finally, if you’re looking for a spectacular and fun atmosphere, head to the Manoir aux mystères. Meat, surf and turf as well as vegetarian fondues are offered here! Psst! Check out the program of the bistro Le Slang, located upstairs. We’ve heard that Karaoke and Fondue evenings can be organized there

Table à Mo

Stewed and Braised

In the fast-paced world of the restaurant industry, chefs who dare to tackle slow cooking methods are quite scarce. In fact, tables offering tender shank or juicy shoulder dishes can be counted on the fingers of one or two hands! However, they can be found on the menus of restaurants where these slow cooking techniques don’t stop them from offering their customers the most comforting and delicious meals. Their menu often changes with the seasons, but Auguste, Taverne 1855, Les 4 Canards Château-Bromont and La Table à Mo are among the restaurants that pride themselves on preparing beautiful delicious cuts of meat always cooked to perfection.

Creamy Pasta

Who doesn’t love pasta, especially when freshly made? As far as we know, if there’s one type of food that everyone loves, it’s this. If you appreciate the comfort of fine Italian cuisine, the balance of flavours and richness of ingredients, there’s nothing better than a delightful plate of pasta served with a creamy sauce to satisfy all your whims! Alfredo, primavera, carbonara, papalina . . . pure poetry for the ears . . . and taste buds! To satisfy your cravings, consider these three true institutions: Pizzicato, which also offers meal packages to cook at home, Da Leonardo, with its beautiful online boutique, and the Castello-Sweetsburg Restaurant.

Cheese Fondue

There’s nothing better than a deliciously rich cheese fondue to please your palate! At the very charming and popular microbrewery La Memphré, this favourite dish, in which the aromas of beer blend perfectly with those of cheese, is listed on its menu during winter. Also, at Fondissimo, you’ll find no less than six cheese proposals: blue, pink pepper, Normandy, Welsh. . . Perfect to satisfy all tastes! Finally, if you prefer to eat your fondue in the comfort of your own home, several cheese factories in the Eastern Townships prepare cheese fondue kits, including La Station, Fromagerie Nouvelle-France and the Abbaye Saint-Benoît-du-Lac.

Bistro Kobo Ramen

Fragrant Soups

Delicious Tonkinese and ramen soups, with their myriad of flavours and sometimes hard-to-find ingredients, can be somewhat challenging to reproduce at home. However, when you leave it to the real pros, you’ll be treated to a truly amazing explosion of flavours in your mouth! If you’re a fan of succulent, fragrant and comforting broths, hurry to Super Tonkinoise, Pho Loc, Bistro Kobo Ramen and Kokkaku Ramen! You won’t be disappointed!

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