Sentiers du Parc du vieux moulin

Parc du vieux moulin

Beautiful site where you will discover the foundation of the first mills in the village, while enjoying beautiful trails along the Weedon creek.


Parc du vieux moulin

At the corner of road 112 and St-janvier street

Technical specifications

Length : 3.5 km

Time : 1h

Linear (round trip)

Difficulty : Easy

  • Spring, summer, fall
  • Winter Walk

  • Snowshoeing
  • Accessible in sport stroller
  • Accessible by wheelchair
  • In the mountain (with top)
  • In the forest, little rough
  • Urban
  • Interpretation of nature
  • Dogs permitted
Number of camping platforms on this trail
  • 0
Number of campsites on this trail
  • 0
Number of shelters on this trail
  • 0

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